Aventureros al Tren - ¡Aventureros al Tren! Francia (Days of Wonder DW720128) [Juguete]
Sumérgete en la cultura francesa durante el impresionismo y la revolución industrial,El sistema ferroviario es un lienzo en blanco esperando tus pinceladas,Esta expansión también incluye el mapa Viejo Oeste donde hasta seis jugadores pueden desarrollar su red ferroviaria empezando desde sus ciudades natales,Producto en castellano
Ticket To Ride France & Old West Map Collection [Toy]
Dive into thriving French culture during impressionism and the Industrial Revolution; street cafes, "Starry Night", Paris Boulevards, and Notre-Dame. The French railroad system is a blank canvas just waiting for your masterful strokes. However, before you can start claiming routes, you'll need to lay the track! Watch for your opponents, though, because they might claim the route you just spent so much time building… Ticket to Ride Map Collection Volume 6: France and Old West is a new expansion in the well-known Ticket to Ride series. This expansion will challenge the players' existing habits, as this time, before claiming a route, you will need to build the tracks and choose their colors. This simple variation adds a new twist to Ticket to Ride and makes the France map completely unique. The double-sided board also features a map of Old West, where up to six players can develop their railway networks starting from their Home Cities. Claiming routes along the way will make players face a dilemma: every time a player takes a route which leads to a city controlled by an opponent, that opponent scores the points. Ticket to Ride – France includes an oversized, double-sided map. The French map is designed for 2-5 players and includes 58 Destination Tickets cards, 2 Bonus cards, and 64 Track Pieces. The Old West map is designed for 2-6 players and includes 50 Destination Tickets cards, 2 Bonus Cards, 40 White Train Cars, 18 City Markers, and 1 Alvin the Alien Marker. Both of these maps require the trains and the train car cards from either Ticket to Ride® or Ticket to Ride® Europe.
Ticket to ride France [Giocattolo]
Benvenuti a Ticket to Ride Francia – un'espansione di Ticket to Ride che sfiderà le vostre abitudini: per anni avete potuto prendere il controllo delle linee direttamente; ora dovrete prima costruire i binari Ticket to Ride è un gioco di avventura ferroviaria attraverso la nazione. I giocatori accumulano carte di vari tipi di treni per prendere il controllo delle linee ferroviarie che collegano le città. Più sono lunghe le linee, più punti guadagneranno. È possibile guadagnare ulteriori punti completando i propri Biglietti Destinazione e collegando due città distanti fra loro o componendo il percorso ferroviario continuo più lungo. Quindi salite a bordo e preparatevi a una divertente avventura sui binari. È ora di Ticket to Ride: Francia
Ticket to ride France [Toy]
Days of Wonder DOW0009 Zug - Frankreich (Map Collection 6) [Toy]
Autor: Alan R. Moon,Spieldauer: ca. 40 Minuten,Spieleranzahl: 2 bis 6
Ticket to Ride Frankreich & alt West Karte Sammlung
Ticket to Ride : France / Old West Map 6 [Toy]
Ticket To Ride: France [Map Collection 6] [Toy]
Dive into thriving French culture during impressionism and the Industrial Revolution - street cafes, `Starry Night`, Paris Boulevards, and Notre-Dame. The French railroad system is a blank canvas just waiting for your masterful strokes with this Map Collection for Ticket To Ride! However, before you can start claiming routes, you`ll need to lay the track! Watch for your opponents, though, because they might claim the route you just spent so much time building! This double-sided board also features a map of the `Old West` - the western half of the United States - where up to six players can develop their railway networks starting from their Home Cities.
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