LEGO Friends - Calendario de Adviento (41326) [Juguete]
Incluye una minimuñeca de Stephanie con prendas navideñas,Contiene 24 regalos, cada uno de ellos escondido en su propia ventana del Calendario de Adviento de LEGO Friends,¡Abre una nueva ventana cada día y espera la Navidad con los regalos para construir!,¡Colecciona las 24 sorpresas para construir! Incluye amigos peludos y sus hogares, un árbol de Navidad, regalos y todo tipo de sorpresas
Disfruta de la cuenta atrás para el día de Papá Noel con el calendario de Adviento de Lego Friends y descubre cada día una nueva sorpresa Lego. Abra una nueva ventana cada día y descubre las 24 sorpresas que se incluyen, entre las que encontrarás: 1 árbol de Navidad, 1 mini muñeca de Stephanie, varios amigos peludos, regalos y ¡¡mucho más!! Además, una vez hayas abierto y descubierto todos los regalos escondidos, puedes pedir ayuda a tus padres para descubrir una combinación especial de construcción el día de Navidad, desde la web Lego.com/Friends. Contiene 217 piezas.Pesos y medidas:- Peso: 0,38
LEGO 41326 Friends Advent Calendar 2017 Construction Toy [Toy]
Includes a Stephanie mini-doll figure in a festive outfit,Features 24 gifts, each enclosed in its own compartment in a LEGO friends holiday-themed calendar,Open a compartment each day and count down to Christmas with buildable gifts,Collect 24 buildable surprises including furry friends and their homes, Christmas tree, gifts and all sorts of surprises,Visit LEGO friends when you've collected all the gifts to discover a special combination build on Christmas day; ask your parents permission
Count down to a LEGO Friends Christmas this December. Build a holiday party scene for the LEGO Friends pets, with a new part to build every day. First find Stephanie and her snowmobile, then see what other Christmas surprises she can collect along the way. Includes a Stephanie mini-doll figure in a festive outfit Features 24 gifts, each enclosed in its own compartment in a LEGO friends holiday-themed calendar Open a compartment each day and count down to Christmas with buildable gifts Collect 24 buildable surprises including furry friends and their homes, Christmas tree, gifts and all sorts of surprises Visit LEGO friends when you've collected all the gifts to discover a special combination build on Christmas day; ask your parents permission
Lego 41326 Friends Calendario dell'Avvento 2017 [Giocattolo]
Calendario dell'avvento,Con 24 caselle da aprire e 24 sorprese,Età 5-12 anni
Il conto alla rovescia per il Natale con le LEGO® Friends è cominciato Costruisci una scena festiva per gli animali domestici LEGO Friends, con una nuova parte da costruire ogni giorno. Prima trova Stephanie e la sua motoslitta e poi scopri quali altre sorprese di Natale può collezionare ogni giorno che passa
LEGO - 41326 - LEGO Friends - Jeu de Construction - Le Calendrier de l'Avent LEGO Friends [Toy]
En décembre, compte à rebours jusqu'à Noël avec LEGO Friends ! Construis une scène de Noël pour les animaux avec une nouvelle partie à construire chaque jour,Trouve d'abord Stéphanie et sa motoneige, puis découvre quelles autres surprises de Noël elle peut collecter en chemin !,5 - 12 ans,Inclut une minipoupée Stéphanie dans une tenue de fête ; comprend 24 surprises, chacune dans son propre compartiment dans un calendrier de l'Avent sur le thème LEGO Friends
Calendrier de l'Avent Lego Friends afin de faire patienter votre enfant jusqu'à Noël.
En attendant le passage du Père Noël, ouvrez chaque jour de décembre une petite fenêtre et découvrez ce qui se cache derrière.
Construisez une scène de Noël pour les animaux avec une nouvelle partie à construire chaque jour. Trouvez d'abord Stéphanie et sa motoneige et découvrez ensuite de nombreux éléments afin d'agrandir votre collection Lego Friends. 24 surprises à collectionner et construire comprenant des amis à fourrure et leurs maisons, un arbre de Noël, des cadeaux et toutes sortes de surprises.
Lorsque tous les cadeaux seront collectionnés, une construction spéciale sera à découvrir le jour de Noël sur le site LEGO.fr/Friends.
Ages : 5-12
Nombre de pièces : 217
LEGO Friends 41326 - Adventskalender [Toy]
Includes a Stephanie mini-doll figure in a festive outfit,Features 24 gifts, each enclosed in its own compartment in a LEGO friends holiday-themed calendar,Open a compartment each day and count down to Christmas with buildable gifts,Collect 24 buildable surprises including furry friends and their homes, Christmas tree, gifts and all sorts of surprises,Visit LEGO friends when you've collected all the gifts to discover a special combination build on Christmas day; ask your parents permission
Friends Adventskalender
Mit diesem Adventskalender vergeht die Zeit bis Weihnachten für kleine Legofreunde wie im Flug. Hinter den 24 Türchen warten tolle Überraschungen aus der Welt von Lego Friends.
Für Kinder ab 5 Jahre
Lego Friends Advent Calendar (2017) 41326 [Toy]
Includes a Stephanie mini-doll figure in a festive outfit,Features 24 gifts, each enclosed in its own compartment in a LEGO friends holiday-themed calendar,Open a compartment each day and count down to Christmas with buildable gifts,Collect 24 buildable surprises including furry friends and their homes, Christmas tree, gifts and all sorts of surprises,Visit LEGO friends when you've collected all the gifts to discover a special combination build on Christmas day; ask your parents permission
Count down to a LEGO Friends Christmas this December. Build a holiday party scene for the LEGO Friends pets, with a new part to build every day. First find Stephanie and her snowmobile, then see what other Christmas surprises she can collect along the way.
Lego Friends - Advent Calendar 2017 [Toy]
Includes a Stephanie mini-doll figure in a festive outfit,Features 24 gifts, each enclosed in its own compartment in a LEGO friends holiday-themed calendar,Open a compartment each day and count down to Christmas with buildable gifts,Collect 24 buildable surprises including furry friends and their homes, Christmas tree, gifts and all sorts of surprises,Visit LEGO friends when you've collected all the gifts to discover a special combination build on Christmas day; ask your parents permission
Includes a Stephanie mini-doll figure in a festive outfit Features 24 gifts, each enclosed in its own compartment in a LEGO friends holiday-themed calendar Open a compartment each day and count down to Christmas with buildable gifts Collect 24 buildable surprises including furry friends and their homes, Christmas tree, gifts and all sorts of surprises Visit LEGO friends when you've collected all the gifts to discover a special combination build on Christmas day; ask your parents permission
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