Modiano Ramino 98 - Juego de cartas (en italiano) [Juguete]
Ramino 98 300254
Ramino 98 300254
98 modiano Rummy Playing Cards [Toy]
RAMINO 98 300254
RAMINO 98 300254
MODIANO Ramino 98 - Carte da gioco [Giocattolo]
Carte da poker italiane Modiano in plastica - Ideali per poker, Ramino, etc.,Set con due mazzi da 52 carte in vassoio di plastica, con la parte posteriore rossa e blu,Le carte da gioco, rispetto a quelle in cartone, sono lavabili e più difficile da strappare e piegare,La stampa protetta sul retro rende difficile la marcatura
Portate in tavola le carte più famose al mondo
Modiano Rommé 98 Cartes de Jeu [Toy]
Ramino 98 300254
Ramino 98 300254
Modiano Rommé 98 Spielkarten [Toy]
Italienische Pokerkarten von Modiano aus Plastik - Ideal für Poker, Ramino usw.,Kartenset mit zwei Decks á 52 Karten in Kunststoff Tray mit roter und blauer Rückseite.,Die Spielkarten sind im Vergleich zu Pappkarten abwaschbar, schwerer zu zerreißen und knicken.,Der sichere Aufdruck auf der Rückseite erschwert das Markieren.
Modiano steht seit 140 Jahren für ausgezeichnete Qualität und italienisches Design bei Poker-Spielkarten. Lange Tradition und Erfahrung sind der Grund, weshalb Modiano bis heute beste Qualität zu einem sehr günstigen Preis anbieten kann. Modiano wurde von S. D. Modiano gegründet, der als Fabrikant griechischer Abstammung zunächst Zigarettenpapier herstellte, bevor er Modiano zu Europas größtem Hersteller von Plastik-Pokerkarten machte. Der sichere Aufdruck auf der Rückseite erschwert das Markieren.
Modiano: Poker N° 98 Plastificate * Two Deck of 54 cards * [ Italian Import ] [Toy]
Modiano playing cards Rummy 98, the most widespread in Italy with King modiano designed by Giuseppe Sigon in the 50s.,Material: Cardboard Triplex Plastificato,Game Type: Poker, Rummy,Format: 63x88 mm.,Made in Italy by Modiano
Modiano's roots run deep within the traditions of the cartography business in Trieste. Founded by S. D. Modiano, a gentleman of greek origin, production began with the manufacturing of cigarette paper, for famous brands like "CLUB". In the 1884, activities expanded by setting up a lithographic printing activity, which became a reference point for quality prints and playing cards. Products that stood out from the beginning thanks to their style and quality and the alliance of art, technology and business skills. The firm became a vehicle for italian advertising poster art, making use of the contribution of artists such as Orell, Cambon and Sigon, until 1987, the year in which Modiano was bought by Grafad, a paper and cardboard industry. Since then, the firm's image has be strengthened and relaunched, by developing the advertising sector and work order production for third parties, and reinforcing the paper and cardboard production activities, while keeping up with the traditional production of playing cards. Today, Modiano is therefore the sum of long standing tradition coupled with a fierce spirit of innovation.
Modiano: Poker N° 98 Plastificate * Two Deck of 54 cards * [ Italian Import ] [Toy]
Modiano playing cards Rummy 98, the most widespread in Italy with King modiano designed by Giuseppe Sigon in the 50s.,Material: Cardboard Triplex Plastificato,Game Type: Poker, Rummy,Format: 63x88 mm.,Made in Italy by Modiano
Modiano's roots run deep within the traditions of the cartography business in Trieste. Founded by S. D. Modiano, a gentleman of greek origin, production began with the manufacturing of cigarette paper, for famous brands like "CLUB". In the 1884, activities expanded by setting up a lithographic printing activity, which became a reference point for quality prints and playing cards. Products that stood out from the beginning thanks to their style and quality and the alliance of art, technology and business skills. The firm became a vehicle for italian advertising poster art, making use of the contribution of artists such as Orell, Cambon and Sigon, until 1987, the year in which Modiano was bought by Grafad, a paper and cardboard industry. Since then, the firm's image has be strengthened and relaunched, by developing the advertising sector and work order production for third parties, and reinforcing the paper and cardboard production activities, while keeping up with the traditional production of playing cards. Today, Modiano is therefore the sum of long standing tradition coupled with a fierce spirit of innovation.
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