Staedtler 351 WP6 - Marcador con punta de bola, colores surtidos, pack con 6 unidades [Material de oficina]
Colores negro, azul, verde, ,naranja, rojo, violeta,De secado rápido y de bajo olor,Puede dejarse destapado durante días sin secarse,Punta cerrada que impide que la punta sea empujada dentro del cilindro,Ancho de línea 2 mm
Staedtler 351 Lumocolour Whiteboard Marker with Bullet Tip - Assorted Colours, Pack of 6 [Office Product]
Can be dry-wiped from whiteboards without leaving a trace,Fast drying and low odour,Dry safe, can be left uncapped for days without drying up,Upgraded colour density,Locked tip, prevents tip from being pushed into barrel,Can be dry-wiped from whiteboards without leaving a trace^Fast drying and low odour^Dry safe, can be left uncapped for days without drying up^Upgraded colour density^Locked tip, prevents tip from being pushed into barrel
These Staedtler Lumocolor Whiteboard Markers has a bullet tip that can produce a drawing line of 2mm. These pens are dry safe which means they can be left uncapped for days without drying up. The ink in these pens can be dry-wiped from whiteboards and surfaces such as glass and porcelain without leaving a trace. These pens have an improved colour intensity and are also fast drying and nearly odourless. This is a pen that is not affected by changes in air pressure, thanks to "Airplane-Safe Technology". In-flight leaks are caused by expanding air inside the ink chamber.
Staedtler 351 WP6 Evidenziatore, Colori Assortiti, Confeziona da 6 [Prodotti per ufficio]
inchiostro Dry Safe, punta a scalpello, scatola 10 di rosso pennarelli per lavagna magnetica,Cancellabile a secco dalle lavagne senza lasciare traccia,asciugatura rapida, basso odore,Maggiore densità Colore,Punta bloccata - punta impedisce di essere spinto barile
Staedtler Drywipe Mrks 351Wp6 Asst Pk6
Staedtler - LumoColor 351 - Etui Chevalet Box 6 Marqueurs Effaçables à Sec Pointe Ogive 2 mm Assortis [Office Product]
Description du produit: Staedtler - Lumocolor 351,Type de produit: Boîte de 6 marqueurs,Pointe ogive: 2 mm
Staedtler 351 WP6 Whiteboard-Marker Lumocolor (Rundspitze ca. 2 mm Linienbreite, Set mit 6 Farben, hohe Qualität Made in Germany, trocken und rückstandsfrei abwischbar von Whiteboards) [Office Product]
Blockierte Rundspitze, Linienbreite ca. 2 mm - verhindert, dass die Spitze in den Schaft eingedrückt wird,Trocken und rückstandsfrei abwischbar von Whiteboards und Flächen wie Glas und Porzellan, Schnelltrocknende, xylol- und toluolfreie Tinte, Airplane safe,Dry Safe - kann tagelang offen liegen ohne einzutrocknen (Prüfklima nach ISO 554) - für hohe Zuverlässigkeit,PP-Schaft und Kappe garantieren lange Lebensdauer, kein Ausdampfen der Tinte, einfaches Nachfüllen mit Staedtler -Tankstelle 488 51, Made In Germany,Lieferumfang: 6 Farben (orange, rot, violett, blau, grün, schwarz) in der stabilen, aufstellbaren Staedtler -Box
Whiteboard Marker 6 Colors [CE]
Marker pen 351 WP6, 6 markers in a case, STAEDTLER
Pack Of 6 Pieces
Lumocolor Whiteboard Marker Bullet Tip [Office Product]
Whiteboard Marker 6 Colors
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