Intex Double Quick - Bomba de mano, 48 cm [Deportes]
Inflador manual de 48 cm y de doble acción,La manga es de estilo acordeón y contiene 4 tipos de boquillas en forma de aguja para encajarlas en la mayoría de válvulas,Incorpora función de hinchado y de deshinchado,El inflador es apto para inflar balones hasta 0,56 Bar Ideal para inflar flotadores o colchonetas,El inflador manual funciona hacia arriba y hacia abajo
Intex 68615 Pompe manuelle pour tout article gonflable. Double action
Intex Double Quick III Hand Pump #68615 [Sports]
Air hand pump piston,Includes 4 nozzles,Colour: Black/Red,Size: Various
The Double Quick III inflation pump is a super high-output manual inflation pump that is durable, portable and easy to use. It stands 19" tall and includes an accordian air hose with 4 interconnecting nozzles to fit small, medium and large diameter inflation valves as well as needle valves such as those found on footballs, basketballs and soccerballs. The universal valve fittings allow this inflation pump to inflate air mattresses, pool rafts, beach balls, inflatable boats and this inflator makes a great football pump, basketball pump or soccer ball pump. It will inflate sports athletic balls up to 8 psi. This inflation pump's air flow inflates your inflatable with manual action similar to a bicycle pump and works on both the down stroke and the up stroke for no watsed effort and faster inflation. This inflation pump's high volume of air flow inflates your inflatable with less pumping than a typical manual pump.
Intex 68615 - Pompa Manuale Grande, Nero [Giocattolo]
Può essere utilizzato anche per sgonfiatore,Corpo in plastica leggera e durevole
Pompa manuale modello "Double Quick Grande" di Intex. Ideale per il gonfiaggio di Piscine, Materassini, Palloni, Braccioli e tutti i prodotti gonfiabili grazie ai 4 ugelli in dotazione.
Questo modello è alto 48 cm e gonfia in entrambi i sensi.
Può essere utilizzata anche per sgonfiare.
Codice Intex: 68615
Partner Jouet - A0600916 - Jeu de Plein Air - Gonfleur Double Action GM [Sports]
Descriptif produit : Gonfleur double action 2.5 litre x 2 = 5 litre Inclus : 1 aiguille pour gonfler les ballons (foot, rugby...) jusqu'à 0,55 bars
Intex - Gonfleur double action (2 x 2,5L) INTEX
Intex Luftpumpe Hochleistungshandpumpe, Schwarz, 48 cm [Sports]
Größe: 48 cm,4 verschiedene Düsenaufsätze inkludiert,maximaler Druck: 8psi
Intex Doppel Hubpumpe .
Doppeltes Volumen, doppelte Wirkung: sehr großes Luftvolumen um Luftbetten, Boote und andere große Aufblasartikel zu befüllen. Diese Pumpe befördert Luft beim Auf-und Abbewegen zum Aufblasen und Luft absaugen. Hierbei einfach die Schlauchverbindung ändern. Flexibler Schlauch mit 3 verschiedenen Anschlußstücken, ausreichend für die meisten Ventile. Haltbarer, sehr leichter und 48 cm langer Kunststoffkörper. Inklusive Nadel um Sportbälle aufzublasen (bis zu 8 psi).
Intex Luftpumpe Double Quick III , ideal für alle Aufblasartikel (2x2400ccm).
Intex Double Quick III Hand Pump, 19 in (48cm) [Sports]
Durable hand pump is simple to use, stores easily and is portable enough to take with you anywhere,TUV NORD-approved pump comes in three sizes,Forces air on both up and down strokes for rapid inflation and deflation,Shelf storage box, accordion hose with three nozzles and needle to fit small, medium and large air valves are also included,Includes limited 30-day manufacturer's warranty
This manual pump is easy to use, easy to store & easy to take with you anywhere.
Intex Double Quick III Hand Pump, 19 in (48cm) [Sports]
Durable hand pump is simple to use, stores easily, and is portable enough to take with you anywhere,TUV NORD-approved pump comes in three sizes,Forces air on both up and down strokes for rapid inflation and deflation,Shelf storage box, accordion hose with three nozzles, and needle to fit small, medium, and large air valves are also included,Includes limited 30-day manufacturer's warranty
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