![Batman Arkham Knight [Importación Francesa] Batman Arkham Knight [Importación Francesa]](http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51pQ%2BQdyJUL.jpg)
Batman Arkham Knight [Importación Francesa] [Videojuegos]
Batman: Arkham Knight (PS4) [Video Games]
Live the complete Batman experience with the introduction of the Batmobile and enhancements to signature features,The Batmobile is brought to life with a new distinct visual appearance and a full range of on-board high-tech gadgetry,For the first time in the series, explore the entirety of Gotham City in a completely open and free-roaming game world,More combat moves and high-tech gadgetry than before, including 'gadgets while gliding' ability and upgraded utility belt,Fully immerse yourself in the chaos in the streets, taking down individual villains or pursuing the core narrative path
In the explosive finale to the Batman Arkham series, Batman faces the ultimate threat against the city he is sworn to protect. The Scarecrow returns to unite an impressive roster of super villains, including Penguin, Two-Face and Harley Quinn, to destroy The Dark Knight forever. Batman Arkham Knight introduces Rocksteady's uniquely designed version of the Batmobile, which is drivable for the first time in the franchise. The addition of this legendary vehicle, combined with the acclaimed gameplay of the Batman Arkham series, offers gamers the ultimate and complete Batman experience as they tear through the streets and soar across the skyline of the entirety of Gotham City. Only on Playstation Only on Playstation will you be able to play the Scarecrow nightmare missions in Batman Arkham Knight. Features Be a part of the explosive Finale in the Batman Arkham Series in Batman Arkham Knight. Take to the rooftops and now - the roads of Gotham as for the first time the iconic Batmobile becomes driveable. Face some of Batman' most notorious foes as the Scarecrow returns to unite Gothams most feared villians. Harley Quinn playable character Become Harley Quinn for the first time ever in an Arkham game and utilize her unique weapons, gadgets, and abilities first-hand. The add-on includes four exclusive challenge maps.
Warner Bros Batman: Arkham Knight, PS4 [Edizione: Regno Unito] [Videogioco]
Nell' esplosivo finale della serie Arkham, Batman affronta l'ultima minaccia nei confronti della città che ha giurato di proteggere. Lo Spaventapasseri ritorna insieme ad un impressionante elenco di supercriminali, tra cui Pinguino, Due Facce e Harley Quinn, per distruggere definitivamente il Cavaliere Oscuro. Batman: Arkham Knight introduce la versione dal design esclusivo di Rocksteady della Batmobile, guidabile per la prima volta nella saga. L'aggiunta di questo veicolo leggendario, combinato con l' acclamato gameplay della serie Batman Arkham, offre ai giocatori la migliore e più completa esperienza Batman di sempre, con la possibilità di sfrecciare per le strade e planare sullo skyline di tutta Gotham City. Tu sei Batman. Preorder bonus per giocare nei fanni di Harley Quinn - 4 mappe (contenuti scaricabili)
Batman Arkham Knight [import anglais] [Video Games]
In the explosive finale to the Batman Arkham series, Batman faces the ultimate threat against the city he is sworn to protect. The Scarecrow returns to unite an impressive roster of super villains, including Penguin, Two-Face and Harley Quinn, to destroy The Dark Knight forever. Batman Arkham Knight introduces Rocksteady's uniquely designed version of the Batmobile, which is drivable for the first time in the franchise. The addition of this legendary vehicle, combined with the acclaimed gameplay of the Batman Arkham series, offers gamers the ultimate and complete Batman experience as they tear through the streets and soar across the skyline of the entirety of Gotham City. Only on Playstation Only on Playstation will you be able to play the Scarecrow nightmare missions in Batman Arkham Knight. Features Be a part of the explosive Finale in the Batman Arkham Series in Batman Arkham Knight. Take to the rooftops and now - the roads of Gotham as for the first time the iconic Batmobile becomes driveable. Face some of Batman' most notorious foes as the Scarecrow returns to unite Gothams most feared villians. Harley Quinn playable character Become Harley Quinn for the first time ever in an Arkham game and utilize her unique weapons, gadgets, and abilities first-hand. The add-on includes four exclusive challenge maps.
Batman: Arkham Knight (Playstation 4) [UK IMPORT] [Video Games]
Batman: Arkham Knight [Video Games]
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