![The Order: 1886 [Importación Inglesa] The Order: 1886 [Importación Inglesa]](http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/51ndW95qIYL.jpg)
The Order: 1886 [Importación Inglesa] [Videojuegos]
The Order: 1886 (PS4) [Video Games]
Alternate History - The Order: 1886 allows players to discover a unique version of Victorian-Era London where technology and the supernatural collide. Players wield advanced weapons and gadgets that didn't exist during that era and the realism of the game experience will make you feel like these elements could have been very plausible during the time., Historical Mythology - The game introduces a unique mythology that will fuse actual history (real world places, figures, and events) with twists on familiar myths and legends to create an alternate history from the one we know today., Filmic Immersion - The game's unique filmic presentation is designed to replicate the texture of film and use real-world motion picture and cinematography techniques to emphasize dramatic character performance and realism.
Preorder now in time release. Game released on Friday 20th Febuary 2015.
The Order: 1886 introduces players to a unique vision of Victorian-Era London where Man uses advanced technology to battle a powerful and ancient foe. As Galahad, a member of an elite order of Knights, join a centuries-old war against a powerful threat that will determine the course of history forever in this intense third-person action-adventure shooter, available exclusively on the PS4 system.
An elite order of knights
As Galahad, a member of an elite order of knights, join a centuries-old war against a powerful threat that will determine the course of history forever in this intense third-person action-adventure shooter, available exclusively on the PlayStation 4 system.
Where history and myth collide
Assume the role of Galahad, one of the most experienced knights of The Order, and enter a unique vision of Victorian-era London that fuses real historical figures and events with new twists on familiar myths and legends.
Danger on all fronts
Conflict ranges in this 19th century London between enemies new and old. Rebels declare all-out war on The Order and the police state they represent, while mankind's true enemy, a powerful and ancient foe known as Half-breeds, grows in strength and numbers in and around the city.
Advanced technology
Wield cutting-edge weapons and gadgets like the Arc Gun, Thermite Rifle, and Monocular, as you struggle to maintain peace and order amidst the growing civil unrest and Half-breed threat against humankind.
Filmic vision
The Order: 1886 transports players into the stunningly realistic and re-imagined neo-Victorian London, replicating the nuances of actual motion picture cameras and lenses for a more immersive and believable presentation
The Order: 1886 (PS4) [Videogioco]
Gioco e dialoghi in ITALIANO.
The Order : 1886 [import anglais] [Video Games]
THE VIEW: The Order 1886's cinematic trailer brought promise of multi-faceted gameplay, steam-punky themes & Lycan killing weapons. First impressions? It looks amazing! The Order 1886 re-writes history by introducing a unique vision of Victorian-Era London where myths and technology co-exist. As a member of an elite order of knights, join a centuries-old war that will determine the course of history forever. Created by acclaimed developer Ready at Dawn, The Order 1886 will launch exclusively for the PlayStation 4 (PS4) computer entertainment system. Alternate History – The Order: 1886 allows players to discover a unique version of Victorian-Era London where technology and the supernatural collide. Players will wield advanced weapons and gadgets that didn't exist during that era and the realism of the game experience will make you feel like these elements could have been very plausible during the time. Historical Mythology – The game introduces a unique mythology that will fuse actual history (real world places, figures, and events) with twists on familiar myths and legends to create an alternate history from the one we know today. Filmic Immersion - The game's unique filmic presentation is designed to replicate the texture of film and use real-world motion picture and cinematography techniques to emphasize dramatic character performance and realism. Ready At Dawn Legacy – Created and developed by Ready At Dawn Studios, award-winning developers of Daxter, God of War®: Chains of Olympus (PSP Game of the Year) and God of War: Ghost of Sparta. The studio is known for pushing their target hardware to its limits, as has been seen from their past titles, and they are now setting their sights and expertise on the PS4 system.
The Order: 1886 (PS4) [Video Games]
Die Order: 1886 führt Spieler in ein einzigartiges Vision viktorianischen London, wo Man setzt fortschrittliche Technologien ein, um eine leistungsstarke und alten Feind zu kämpfen. Wie Galahad, ein Mitglied einer Elite-Reihenfolge der Ritter, sich einer jahrhundertealten Krieg gegen einen mächtigen Bedrohung, die den Lauf der Geschichte für immer in dieser intensiven Third-Person-Action-Adventure-Shooter bestimmen wird, ausschließlich auf der PS4-System. FEATURES Wo Geschichte und Mythos kollidieren - Übernimm die Rolle von Galahad, einer der erfahrensten Ritter des Ordens, und geben Sie eine einzigartige Vision von der viktorianischen Ära London, die echte historische Figuren und Ereignisse mit neuen Wendungen auf vertraute Mythen und Legenden Sicherungen. Gefahr an allen Fronten - Konflikt tobt in diesem 19. Jahrhundert London zwischen Feinden, neue und alte. Rebellen erklären totalen Krieg auf der Bestellung und der Polizeistaat, die sie vertreten, während der Menschheit wahre Feind, ein leistungsfähiges und alten Feind als Mischlinge bekannt wächst in Kraft und Zahlen in und um die Stadt. Fortschrittliche Technologie - Wield modernste Waffen und Gadgets wie der Arc Gun, Thermit Gewehr und Fernrohr, wie Sie kämpfen, um Ruhe und Ordnung in dem wachsenden Unruhen und Half-Breed Bedrohung gegen die Menschheit zu erhalten. Filmische Vision - The Order: 1886 befördert die Spieler in die verblüffend realistische und neu-interpretierten Neo-viktorianischen London, replizieren die Nuancen der tatsächlichen Laufbildkameras und Objektive für ein immersives und glaub Präsentation. Nahtlose narrative Erfahrung - Full Performance-Capture für Figuren und Szenen, in Kombination mit nahtlosen Übergängen zwischen Aktion und Storysequenzen, zusammenarbeiten, um die reiche Erzählung voller Verschwörung und Intrigen zum Leben zu erwecken.
The Order: 1886 (PS4) [Video Games]
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