Juego Damas Chinas Con Juguetes De Madera Hechos A Mano De Mármoles De La India [Juguete]
hecho en madera natural,diámetro de 29.21 centumeter,60 canicas de vidrio,10 canicas cada una de 6 colores,hecho a mano en la India
estos son de tamaño estándar damas chinas de juegos y son aptos para los adultos jóvenes , así como los adultos . realizado en madera Sesum y pulido en color de madera natural , la junta se ve muy elegante. artesanos de saharanpur en Uttar Pradesh occidental en el norte de la India se han hecho a mano la junta . 60 piezas de mármol de vidrio se incluyen en este conjunto de juegos . los mármoles están en 6 colores diferentes y hay 10 piezas de todos los colores .
Game Chinese Checkers With Marbles Handcrafted Wooden Toys From India [Toy]
Made in natural wood,Diameter 29.2 cm,60 glass marbles,10 marbles each in 6 colors,Handcrafted in India
A good looking and well made Chinese checkers set. Handmade of sheesham wood by artisans from the Uttar Pradesh region, the board is beautifully finished to enhance the wood grain. A channel around the edge of the board holds the "taken" pieces safely in place for the duration of the game. The glass marbles, 10 each of six different colors, have a nice lustre that enhances the look of the set. A cotton bag holds the marbles safely when not being used. A lovely looking item, this set is elegant enough to have as an ornament when not in use, if you can manage to stop people playing with it.
Jeu dames chinoises - Billes et plateau en bois - Jouet fabriqué artisanalement en Inde - Idée cadeau de noël [Toy]
Plateau en bois naturel,Diamètre: 28 cm,60 billes en verre (10billes x 6 couleurs),La couleur des boules peut-être varier de l'image,Satisfait ou remboursé pendant 30 jours
Ce jeu de dames chinoises est de taille standard et adapté pour les enfants ainsi que les adultes. Fabriqué en bois naturel poli, le plateau est élégant. Les artisans de Saharanpur dans l'ouest de l'Uttar Pradesh, dans le nord de l'Inde ont fabriqués ce plateau de jeu à la main. 60 billes de verre sont inclues dans cet ensemble de jeu. Les billes sont en 6 couleurs différentes et il ya 10 pièces dans chaque couleur.
Halma Chinese Checkers Brettspiele Mit Steine Strategiespiele Holz Geschenke zum Geburtstag [Toy]
hergestellt in Naturholz,Durchmesser: 29 cm,60 Glas Murmeln,10 Murmeln jeweils in 6 Farben,Handgearbeitet in Indien
Dies sind standard-Größe HALMA Spiel und sind fit für junge Erwachsene sowiegewachsen USV. In Sesum Holz hergestellt und poliert in natürlichen Holz Farbe, wirktdas Board ziemlich elegant. Handwerker von Saharanpur in westlichen Uttar Pradesh inNordindien haben das Board handgefertigt. 60 Stück der Glas-Marmor sind mit diesemSpiel Set enthalten. Die Murmeln sind in 6 verschiedenen Farben und in jeder Farbegibt es 10 Stück.
Game Chinese Checkers with Marbles Handcrafted Wooden Toys from India [Toy]
Made in natural wood,Diameter - 11.5 Inches,60 glass marbles,10 marbles each in 6 colors,Handcrafted in India
A good looking and well made Chinese checkers set. Handmade of sheesham wood by artisans from the Uttar Pradesh region, the board is beautifully finished to enhance the wood grain. A channel around the edge of the board holds the "taken" pieces safely in place for the duration of the game. The glass marbles, 10 each of six different colors, have a nice lustre that enhances the look of the set. A cotton bag holds the marbles safely when not being used. A lovely looking item, this set is elegant enough to have as an ornament when not in use, if you can manage to stop people playing with it.
Game Chinese Checkers with Marbles Handcrafted Wooden Toys from India [Toy]
Made in MDF wood with a deep rosewood finish,Diameter - 11 Inches,60 glass marbles,10 marbles each in 6 colors,Handcrafted in India
A good looking and well made Chinese checkers set. Handmade of MDF wood with a deep rosewood finish by artisans from the Uttar Pradesh region, the board is beautifully finished to enhance the wood grain. A channel around the edge of the board holds the "taken" pieces safely in place for the duration of the game. The glass marbles, 10 each of six different colors, have a nice lustre that enhances the look of the set. A cotton bag holds the marbles safely when not being used. A lovely looking item, this set is elegant enough to have as an ornament when not in use, if you can manage to stop people playing with it.
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