Per Plexus original (japan import) [Juguete]
target Gender: unisex, Age: at the age of six
- Perplexus L'original
Per Plexus original (japan import) [Toy]
Perplexus The Original - 100 Challenging Barriers
Perplexus is a maze game where players must maneuver a small marble around challenging barriers inside a transparent sphere. Unlike traditional flat-surface mazes that are composed of one path, Perplexus houses various exhilarating tracks with 100 barriers and provides a 3D experience. Players select which track they would like to attempt, and then must work with gravity and carefully shift, flip, and twist the sphere to guide the marble. Players can race each other or the clock.
On top of being entertaining, Perplexus is also an educational toy, and assists in child development. It is a great toy for children to exercise their motor and dexterity skills, as well as improve their hand-eye coordination. Its small size makes it easily portable.
For ages 6 and up.
Per Plexus original (japan import) [Giocattolo]
target Gender: unisex, Age: at the age of six
- Perplexus L'original
Per Plexus original (japan import) [Toy]
Perplexus The Original - 100 Challenging Barriers
Perplexus is a maze game where players must maneuver a small marble around challenging barriers inside a transparent sphere. Unlike traditional flat-surface mazes that are composed of one path, Perplexus houses various exhilarating tracks with 100 barriers and provides a 3D experience. Players select which track they would like to attempt, and then must work with gravity and carefully shift, flip, and twist the sphere to guide the marble. Players can race each other or the clock.
On top of being entertaining, Perplexus is also an educational toy, and assists in child development. It is a great toy for children to exercise their motor and dexterity skills, as well as improve their hand-eye coordination. Its small size makes it easily portable.
For ages 6 and up.
Per Plexus original (japan import) [Toy]
Perplexus das Original - 100 Challenging Barriers
Perplexus ist ein Labyrinth-Spiel, wo Spieler muessen einen kleinen Marmor um herausfordernde Hindernisse in einer transparenten Kugel manoevrieren. Im Gegensatz zu herkoemmlichen Flach Oberflaeche Labyrinthe, die von einem Weg zusammengesetzt sind, perplexus beherbergt verschiedene aufregende Tracks mit 100 Barrieren und bietet eine 3D-Erfahrung. Spieler waehlen, die sie wollen, um zu versuchen, und dann muessen die Schwerkraft arbeiten und vorsichtig verschieben, drehen, und drehen Sie die Kugel, um den Marmor Fuehrungsbahn. Die Spieler koennen sich gegenseitig oder die Uhr zu laufen. Oben unterhaltsam ist perplexus auch ein paedagogisches Spielzeug, und hilft bei der Entwicklung des Kindes. Es ist ein grosses Spielzeug fuer Kinder, ihre motorischen Faehigkeiten und Geschicklichkeit ueben, sowie die Verbesserung der Hand-Auge-Koordination. Seine geringe Groesse macht es leicht portable.For ab 6 Jahren.
Perplexus Original [Toy]
Packaging may vary,Perplexus is the original challenging 3D Labyrinth contained within a sphere,Inside of the Perplexus Original you'll discover 22 --Feet worth of track containing 100 challenging barriers,Flip twist and spin your way to the finish line Perplexus is easy-to-use, but hard to master,Perplexus original is the ultimate challenge for ages 5-Plus,Includes: 1 Perplexus Game Sphere
Perplexus is a maze game where players must maneuver a small marble around challenging barriers inside a transparent sphere. Unlike traditional flat-surface mazes that are composed of one path, Perplexus houses various exhilarating tracks with 100 barriers and provides a 3D experience. Players select which track they would like to attempt, and then must work with gravity and carefully shift, flip, and twist the sphere to guide the marble. Players can race each other or the clock.
On top of being entertaining, Perplexus is also an educational toy, and assists in child development. It is a great toy for children to exercise their motor and dexterity skills, as well as improve their hand-eye coordination. Its small size makes it easily portable.
For ages 6 and up.
Perplexus Original [Toy]
Perplexus is the original challenging 3D Labyrinth contained within a sphere!,Inside of the Perplexus Original you'll discover 22 feet worth of track containing 100 challenging barriers!,Flip twist & spin your way to the finish line! Perplexus is easy-to-use, but hard to master!,Perplexus original is the ultimate challenge for ages 5+.,Includes: 1 Perplexus Game Sphere
Master the challenge of the crazy, fun world of Perplexus! Inside the Perplexus Original you'll face 22 feet worth of challenging twists, turns and obstacles! Flip twist and spin Perplexus to move the ball along the numbered path. When you fall off the track (Yes, it will happen!) head back to the start and try again. There are multiple levels of difficulty to master! Try the Perplexus Rookie, Perplexus Epic and Perplexus Twist. They're easy to play, but hard to master. It's a bendy, trendy, can't put it down challenge!
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