Drumond Park Don't Laugh - Juego de mesa con chistes (contenido en inglés) [Juguete]
El último juego de tablero de broma diciendo,Incluye micrófono electrónica con efectos especiales de sonido,Contiene 600 chistes,El juego dura alrededor de 30 minutos,Para 2-4 jugadores. Requiere 3 baterías AAA (no incluidas)
With it's fart sounding, wildly giggling and silly phrased electronic microphone - Don't laugh is the ultimate joke telling board game. The more players that laugh the more you score!
Kid's Board Game Don't Laugh [Toy]
Don't Laugh!Game
It's the game that will have you in stitches...but be careful...cos laughing makes you lose!!!The don't laugh board game offers interactive fun for all the family, so it's sure to be a popular game this Christmas...Each player in turn reads out a joke and then uses one or more sound effects to push the other poker-faced players over-the-edge and into fits of laughter and giggles!You get to move forward one space for every opponent who laughs...or who even cracks the slightest smile!Armed with 600 jokes and a fart sounding, wildly giggling electronic microphone...the Don't Laugh board game is simple, straight faced, side splitting fun for all! It's the laugh-out-loud joke game, with farting, belching and cackling...but whatever you do...Don't Laugh! Ages 8 Years +
Drumond Park - "Don't Laugh", gioco in scatola [lingua inglese] [Giocattolo]
Questo gioco che vi fara' sbellicare dalle risate, con barzellete spassosissime, peti, rutti, schiamazzi, voce che cambia grazie al microfono. Ad ogni turno un giocatore legge uno scherzo e utilizza uno o più effetti sonori per provocare negli altri giocatori una crisi di risate. Ci si sposta in avanti di uno spazio per ogni avversario che ride, o accenna un sorriso! E' geniale e divertente. Contenuto: microfono magico, 200 schede di gioco, tavolo da gioco, 4 pezzi di gioco, istruzioni. Per 2-4 giocatori
Drumond Park - Jeux de Société - Don't Laugh ! - Ne Rit Pas ! (Version Anglaise) [Toy]
Ne ris pas aux blagues de tes adversaires et fait les mourir de rire pour gagner la partie avec le jeu de société Don't laugh. Un microphone rigolo change ta voix et émet des bruits bizarres pendant que tu lis une blague. Tes amis vont éclater de rire et te faire gagner des points. Le jeu comprend, 1 plateau, des cartes, 1 micro et nécessite 3 piles AAA, non incluses, pour fonctionner. Veuillez noter que le jeu et ses instructions sont en anglais. A partir de 8 ans.
Don't Laugh [UK Import] [Toy]
Das Lachen-aus-lautes Witzspiel mit dem Furzen, das Rülpst,das Geschnatter,Comic-Stimme änderndes Mikrophon. Jede Drehung Sie lesen einen Witz und verwenden dann einen oder mehrere Toneffekte um zu kippen das andere Poker war Spielern in Anfälle des Gekichers gegenüber. Sie bewegen vorderen einen Platz für jeden Gegner, der lacht - oder zerbricht sogar ein Lächeln! Es ist einfach, direkt gegenüber gewesen, Seite rasender Spaß. Inhalt: Zauberhaftes Mikrophon, 200 Witzkarte, spielendes Brett, 4 Stücke, Anweisungen. Für 2-4 Spieler.
Kid's Board Game Don't Laugh [Toy]
With it's fart sounding, wildly giggling and silly phrased electronic microphone - Don't laugh is the ultimate joke telling board game. The more players that laugh the more you score!
Drumond Park Don't Laugh [Toy]
Ages 8 Years +
It's the game that will have you in stitches...but be careful...cos laughing makes you lose!!!The don't laugh board game offers interactive fun for all the family, so it's sure to be a popular game this Christmas...Each player in turn reads out a joke and then uses one or more sound effects to push the other poker-faced players over-the-edge and into fits of laughter and giggles!You get to move forward one space for every opponent who laughs...or who even cracks the slightest smile!Armed with over 1,000 jokes and a voice changing, fart sounding electronic microphone...the Don't Laugh board game is simple, straight faced, side splitting fun for all!It's the laugh-out-loud joke game, with farting, belching and cackling...but whatever you do...Don't Laugh!
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