Orzly® - iPhone 6 (4,7 ") - Prima Cristal Templado Protector de Pantalla - 0,24 mm Protectora para el MINI MODELO de iPhone 6 (4.7 inch screen version) Alias: Original Small Size iPhablet from 2014 / Smallest iPhone 6 / iPhone 6 Mni / iPhone 6 Compact / etc. por 17.98€
Construcción 0,24 mm de vidrio templado para una mayor resistencia a los impactos,Mantiene la claridad de la imagen perfecta, mientras que la protección de la pantalla del teléfono de arañazos, golpes y golpes,Fácil instalación sin riesgo de burbujas,Incluye paño de limpieza y tarjeta de aplicación,Hecho específicamente para el mini version (4,7 pulgadas modelo) de Apple iPhone 6. Mas accesorios están disponibles en la gama Orzly. Para ver nuestro catálogo completo, basta con copiar y pegar "ORZLY iPhone" en la caja de búsqueda de Amazon (arriba)
Hecho de un vidrio especial reforzada procesado, Protectores de pantalla Orzly vidrio templado están diseñados y construidos para resistir cualquier daño y los rasguños externos. Sólo 0,24 mm de espesor, que añaden volumen mínimo para su pantalla y mantener una claridad perfecta. La parte posterior de cada pantalla está cubierta con un pegamento fuerte de silicio para facilitar la instalación y la prevención de cualquier espacio entre el dispositivo y el protector de pantalla, lo que garantiza la sensibilidad táctil de la pantalla no se ve afectada.
Orzly® - iPhone 6 (4.7") Premium Tempered Glass Screen Guard - 0.24mm Protective Screen Protector For smaller model of the Apple iPhone6 SmartPhone (4.7 inch screen version) Also known as Small iPhone 6 / iPhone 6 Mini / iPhone 6 Compact / etc.) por 24.41€
0.24mm Tempered Glass construction for enhanced impact resistance,Maintains perfect image clarity while protecting your phone's screen from scratches, bumps & knocks,Easy installation with no fuss,Includes cleaning cloth and application card,Made for the iPhone 6 (Smaller 4.7" screen version). More iPhone accessories are available from the Orzly range. To see our full catalog, simply copy and paste "ORZLY iPhone" into the Amazon search box (above).
Made from a special reinforced processed glass, Orzly Tempered Glass Screen Protectors are designed and built to withstand any external damage and scratches. Only 0.24mm thick, they add minimal bulk to your screen and maintain perfect clarity. The back of each screen is covered with a strong silicon adhesive for easy installation and prevention of any gaps between your device and the screen protector, this ensures the touch sensitivity of your screen is not affected.
Message From Orzly:
The new iPhone 6 handsets have been designed with a curved screen making it impossible for glass screen protectors to cover the entire surface area of their screens. The rigid nature of tempered glass means it is not malleable enough to flow over the curved edges of the screen.
For this reason, we have designed our glass screen protectors for the iPhone 6 to cover as much of the screen as is possible while still offering you the best protection possible. The edges of the glass screen protector will create a shadow effect simply because towards the edge, the screen begins to curve and so a minuscule amount of air will be trapped around the border. Being around the edge only, your display while using the phone will not be affected. We would also recommend using these glass screen protectors with a case or cover to ensure that as much of your handset is protected for daily use.
Other updates to the design of this glass screen protector include a horse-shoe shaped cut-out for the home button, rather than the traditional circular cut-out and again this is because of the curved area under the home button.
We have been heavily testing these glass screen protectors on our iPhones' for a few weeks now and have found that the display and impact absorption and values are not comprised in any way. If you have any questions, please contact the retailer or contact us directly through our website.
Orzly® - iPhone 6 (4,7 ") - Prima Cristal Templado Protector de Pantalla - 0,24 mm Protectora para el MINI MODELO de iPhone 6 (4.7 inch screen version) Alias: Original Small Size iPhablet from 2014 / Smallest iPhone 6 / iPhone 6 Mni / iPhone 6 Compact / etc. por 17.58€
Costruzione in vetro temperato per una maggiore resistenza agli urti,Rivestimento sbavature aiuta a resistere impronte digitali,Spessore 0,24 millimetri aggiunge minimo ingombro al telefono,Facilità di installazione con nessun rischio di bolle,Laser di taglio perfetto misura per iPhone 6
La protezione dello schermo di vetro Orzly è prodotto da un vetro temprato chimicamente, che non solo mantiene perfetta nitidezza delle immagini, ma fornisce anche 8H + durezza superficiale. Superando in acciaio con questo voto, la protezione dello schermo offre una durata superiore, e la prevenzione graffi per il vostro iPhone 6. Questa protezione dello schermo è dotato di uno speciale rivestimento senza sbavature che resiste alla contaminazione dell'olio e le impronte digitali, il che rende più facile da pulire, senza l'accumulo di grasso che può portare ad un effetto di lucentezza arcobaleno. Spessore 0,24 millimetri aggiunge minimo ingombro al telefono Pur essendo la massima protezione dello schermo per il vostro iPhone, questa protezione premio vetro dello schermo è solo 0,24 millimetri di spessore. Questo significa che solo aggiunge una quantità quasi impercettibile di spessore in più per il telefono cellulare, in modo da poter essere certi che sia sicuro da danni mentre sempre come nuovo. Perché questa è una protezione per lo schermo in vetro premio e non una soluzione a base di film, lo fa non bolla affatto su richiesta. Inoltre, uno speciale adesivo rende la rimozione, le regolazioni e ri-applicazione facile lavoro. Progettato specificamente per tutti i modelli di iPhone 6, il Orzly Premium Glass Screen Protector offre una misura perfetta per il tuo dispositivo. È dotato di ritagli per la fotocamera, sensori, altoparlante e pulsante, con sezioni trasparenti per i pulsanti capacitivi, per cui si può ancora vedere quando sono illuminati.
Orzly® - Prime Protecteur Verre Trempé 0,24 mm - Protection d'écran pour le l'iPhone 6 (Petit Version) Alias: 4,7 pouces Modèle / Mini iPhablet / Apple iPhone6 SmartPhone 4.7 inch screen Model - 2014 por 20.58€
Construction en verre trempé pour une meilleure résistance aux chocs,Revêtement anti-maculage aide à résister empreintes digitales,Épaisseur 0,24 mm ajoute un encombrement minimal sur votre téléphone,Installation facile, sans risque de bulles,Laser découpe parfaite solution pour iPhone 6 (4,7 pouces / mini version)
Le protecteur d'écran de verre Orzly est fabriqué à partir d'un verre trempé chimiquement qui non seulement maintient image parfaite clarté, mais fournit également 8H + dureté de surface. Dépassant acier avec cette note, le protecteur d'écran offre une durabilité supérieure, et la prévention des rayures pour votre iPhone 6 Mini. Ce protecteur d'écran dispose d'un revêtement spécial sans taches qui résiste à la contamination de l'huile et les empreintes digitales, ce qui rend plus facile à nettoyer sans l'accumulation de graisse qui peut conduire à un effet de brillance arc en ciel. Épaisseur 0,24 mm ajoute un encombrement minimal sur votre téléphone dépit d'être le nec plus ultra en matière de protection d'écran pour votre iPhone, ce protecteur d'écran de verre prime est seulement 0,24 mm d'épaisseur. Cela signifie qu'il ne fait qu'ajouter un montant presque imperceptible d'une épaisseur supplémentaire à votre téléphone, vous pouvez donc être sûr qu'il est l'abri du danger tout en regardant aussi bon que nouveau. Comme il s'agit d'un protecteur d'écran de verre de grande qualité et non une solution à base de film, il ne se propage pas à toutes les applications sur. En outre, un adhésif spécial rend l'enlèvement, les ajustements et re-demande un travail facile. Conçu spécialement pour tous les petit modèles de l'iPhone 6, la prime Protector Orzly d'écran de verre offre un ajustement parfait à votre appareil. Il dispose de découpes pour la caméra, capteurs, haut-parleur et un bouton, avec des sections transparentes pour les boutons capacitifs, de sorte que vous pouvez toujours voir quand ils sont allumés.
Orzly® - Premium Hartglas Displayschutzfolie aus Gehärtetem Glas 0,24mm Tempered Glass Screen Protector für iPhone 6 (4,7 ZOLL VERSION) por 20.58€
Gehärtetes Glas-Konstruktion für eine verbesserte Schlagzähigkeit,Wisch-Beschichtung hilft widerstehen Fingerabdrücken,0,24mm Dicke fügt minimale Masse auf Ihr Handy,Einfache Installation ohne Risiko von Blasen,Perfekt Laser geschnitten fit für iPhone 6 (KLEIN VERSION / 4.7 ZOLL)
Die Orzly Glas Screen Protector ist aus einem chemisch Hartglas, die nicht nur unterhält perfekte Bildqualität hergestellt, sondern bietet auch 8H + Oberflächenhärte. Besser Stahl mit dieser Bewertung bietet das Displayschutzfolie überlegene Haltbarkeit und Kratzer Prävention für Ihr iPhone 6. Diese Displayschutzfolie bietet ein spezielles wisch-freie Beschichtung, die Ölverschmutzung und Fingerabdrücken widersteht, wodurch es einfacher, ohne den Aufbau von Fett, das auf einem Regenbogen Glanz-Effekt führen kann reinigen. 0.24mm Dicke fügt minimale Masse auf Ihr Handy Obwohl die ultimative Bildschirm Schutz für Ihr iPhone, ist diese Prämie Glas Display-Schutz nur 0,24 mm dick. Dies bedeutet, es fügt nur eine fast unmerkliche Höhe der zusätzlichen Dicke auf Ihr Handy, so können Sie sicher sein, es ist sicher vor Schaden, während Sie so gut wie neu. Denn dies ist ein Premium Glas Display-Schutz und nicht ein Film basierte Lösung, tut es nicht Blase überhaupt auf Anfrage. Darüber hinaus ermöglicht eine spezielle Kleber entfernen, Anpassungen und re-Anwendung leichte Arbeit. Speziell für alle kleine Modelle des iPhone 6 konzipiert, bietet die Premium-Orzly Glass Screen Protector eine perfekte Passform für Ihr Gerät. Es verfügt über Aussparungen für die Kamera, Sensoren, Lautsprecher und Knopf, mit transparenten Abschnitte für die kapazitive Tasten, so kann man noch sehen, wenn sie angezündet sind.
Orzly® - iPhone 6 (4.7") Premium Tempered Glass Screen Guard - 0.24mm Protective Screen Protector For smaller model of the Apple iPhone6 SmartPhone (4.7 inch screen version) Also known as Original Small Size iPhablet from 2014 / Smallest iPhone 6 / iPhone 6 Mni / iPhone 6 Compact / etc.) por 20.43€
0.24mm Tempered Glass construction for enhanced impact resistance,Maintains perfect image clarity while protecting your phone's screen from scratches, bumps & knocks,Easy installation with no fuss,Includes cleaning cloth and application card,Made for the iPhone 6 (Smaller 4.7" screen version). More iPhone accessories are available from the Orzly range. To see our full catalog, simply copy and paste "ORZLY iPhone" into the Amazon search box (above).
Made from a special reinforced processed glass, Orzly Tempered Glass Screen Protectors are designed and built to withstand any external damage and scratches. Only 0.24mm thick, they add minimal bulk to your screen and maintain perfect clarity. The back of each screen is covered with a strong silicon adhesive for easy installation and prevention of any gaps between your device and the screen protector, this ensures the touch sensitivity of your screen is not affected.
Message From Orzly: The new iPhone 6 handsets have been designed with a curved screen making it impossible for glass screen protectors to cover the entire surface area of their screens. The rigid nature of tempered glass means it is not malleable enough to flow over the curved edges of the screen.
For this reason, we have designed our glass screen protectors for the iPhone 6 to cover as much of the screen as is possible while still offering you the best protection possible. The edges of the glass screen protector will create a shadow effect simply because towards the edge, the screen begins to curve and so a minuscule amount of air will be trapped around the border. Being around the edge only, your display while using the phone will not be affected. We would also recommend using these glass screen protectors with a case or cover to ensure that as much of your handset is protected for daily use.
Other updates to the design of this glass screen protector include a horse-shoe shaped cut-out for the home button, rather than the traditional circular cut-out and again this is because of the curved area under the home button.
We have been heavily testing these glass screen protectors on our iPhones' for a few weeks now and have found that the display and impact absorption and values are not comprised in any way. If you have any questions, please contact the retailer or contact us directly through our website.
Orzly® - iPhone 6 (4.7") Premium Tempered Glass Screen Guard - 0.24mm Protective Screen Protector smaller model of the Apple iPhone6 SmartPhone (4.7 inch screen version) 2014 Also known as Smallest iPhablet / iPhone 6 Mini / Compact / Small / etc.) por 24.36€
0.24mm Tempered Glass construction for enhanced impact resistance,Maintains perfect image clarity while protecting your phone's screen from scratches, bumps & knocks,Easy installation with no risk of bubbles,Includes cleaning cloth and application card,Made for the iPhone 6 (Small Version / 4.7" Model). More iPhone accessories are available from the Orzly range. To see our full catalog, simply copy and paste "ORZLY iPhone" into the Amazon search box (above).
Made from a special reinforced processed glass, Orzly Tempered Glass Screen Protectors are designed and built to withstand any external damage and scratches. The back of each screen is covered with a strong silicon adhesive for easy installation and prevention of any gaps between your device and the screen protector, this ensures the touch sensitivity of your screen is not affected.
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