BAD PEOPLE - El Juego de Fiesta Que Probablemente no deberías Jugar + el NSFW Brutal Expansion Pack [Juguete]BAD PEOPLE
hilarante juego y brutal fiesta de adultos para averiguar cuáles son sus amigos realmente piensan de ti! juegan malas personas pueden provocar la risa, las lágrimas y daños irreparables a las amistades y los egos. Ejemplos de preguntas: más probable que se ejecute en secreto un laboratorio de metanfetamina? Si todos fuéramos autoestopistas, que sería la última persona del servicio de recogida? más propensos a unirse a una secta? cuyo funeral tendrá la asistencia más pequeño? además ..... tantas preguntas más salvajes lo que los jugadores están diciendo: "más brutal que las tarjetas contra la humanidad" "mejor juego de fiesta de la historia" "mejor juego de consumición que he jugado ...... hilarante" modo de juego: cada uno redonda, una persona lee la tarjeta de preguntas en voz alta a todos los que juegan. Todos los jugadores votan para el que el jugador se describe mejor por la pregunta. El objetivo de cada ronda es para emitir su voto para usted que el lector de tarjetas cuestión votar, y no necesariamente que se elija personalmente. Se obtiene 1 punto cada vez que estás en lo correcto y también hay una carta boca abajo doble impresionante si estás realmente seguro de su voto! el primero en 7 puntos gana! contenido del juego: 250 tarjetas de preguntas 10 cartas de jugadores de identidad (para hasta 10 jugadores) 100 tarjetas de voto 10 tarjetas dobles por 1 hoja de instrucciones almohadilla de puntuación 1 1 lápiz 3 variantes de juego épicas
BAD PEOPLE Ensemble Complet The Party Game You Probably Shn't Play + The NSFW Brutal Extension Pack, Nylon/A [Toy]Les Mauvais
Hilarant et jeu brutal du parti adulte pour découvrir ce que vos amis pensent vraiment de vous! jouant les méchants peuvent causer des rires, des larmes et des dommages irréparables aux amitiés et egos. Exemples de questions: les plus susceptibles d'exécuter secrètement un laboratoire de méthamphétamine? si nous étions tous stoppeurs, qui serait la dernière personne à rattrapées au? les plus susceptibles d'adhérer à une secte? dont les funérailles auront la présence plus petit? en plus ..... tant d'autres questions sauvages ce que les joueurs disent: « plus brutale que les cartes contre l'humanité » « meilleur jeu de parti jamais » « meilleur jeu potable que j'ai jamais joué ...... hilarante » gameplay: chaque tour, une personne lit la carte question à voix haute à tout le monde à jouer. Tous les joueurs votent ensuite pour quel joueur est le mieux décrit par la question. L'objet de chaque tour est de voter pour vous que le lecteur de carte question va voter pour, et pas nécessairement qui vous choisiriez personnellement. Vous obtenez 1 point chaque fois que vous avez raison et il y a aussi une impressionnante carte double vers le bas si vous êtes vraiment confiant au sujet de votre vote! le premier à 7 points gagne! Contenu du jeu: 250 cartes question 10 cartes d'identité de joueur (jusqu'à 10 joueurs) 100 cartes de vote 10 doubles vers le bas cartes 1 feuille d'instructions 1 pad de pointage 1 crayon 3 variantes de jeu épiques
BAD PEOPLE Das Partyspiel und das brutale NSFW-Erweiterungspack [Toy]Ein tolles Partyspiel für Erwachsene: Stimmen Sie für Ihre Freunde bei ungeheuerlichen und brutalen Fragen. Finden Sie heraus, was Ihre Freunde wirklich von Ihnen halten und lernen Sie sie besser kennen. Teilen Sie verrückte und lächerliche Geschichten nach jeder Runde.,Beispielfragen: "Wessen Beerdigung wird die kleinste Besucherzahl haben?", "Wenn wir alle als Anhalter mitgenommen werden wollten, wer wäre die letzte Person, die abgeholt werden würde?", "Wer hat die meisten Walks of Shame (Weg der Schande) gemacht?", "Wer wird am wenigsten das Ziel eines Identitätsdiebstahls sein?". Und so viele Fragen der nächsten Stufe, die wir nicht einmal in der Beschreibung aufzählen können.,Einfach zu erlernen: 370 urkomische Karten, 10 x Spieler-Ausweiskarten (bis zu 10 Personen können gleichzeitig spielen), 250 x Fragenkarten, 100 x Abstimmkarten, 10 x Dobble-Down-Karten. Ideal für Gruppen und eine epische Bonus-Trinkspiel-Variante für Erwachsene ist inklusive. Basisspiel Bad People und das brutale NSFW Erweiterungspack bilden das ultimative Partyspielerlebnis.,Perfekt für Partys und Spieleabend für Erwachsene: Es ist das lustigste und wildeste Kartenspiel aller Zeiten. Alle Spieler sind zu jeder Zeit im Spiel beteiligt. Bestes Brettspiel zum Spielen mit Freunden, Spieleabend für Erwachsene, auf einer Party, beim Trinken, Junggesellinnenabschiede, Büropartys, Abendessen usw.,Für Ihre Freunde stimmen ist lustig und Sie können das Partyspiel Bad People 1000 Mal spielen: Der Spielverlauf ändert sich jedes Mal je nachdem, mit wem Sie spielen. Altersempfehlung: ab 17 Jahren. Spieldauer: 20 bis 60 Minuten. Spieler: 3 bis 10.
Hilarious und brutal erwachsene Party-Spiel, um herauszufinden, was Ihre Freunde über Sie wirklich denken! spielen schlechte Menschen können Lachen verursachen, Tränen und irreparable Schäden an Freundschaften und Egos. Beispielfragen: höchstwahrscheinlich ein Meth-Labor heimlich laufen? wenn wir alle Tramper, der die letzte Person, die abgeholt werden würde? höchstwahrscheinlich einen Kult beitreten? deren Beerdigung die kleinste Teilnahme hat? und ..... so viele wilden Fragen, was die Spieler sagen: "brutaler als Karten gegen die Menschlichkeit" "bestes Party-Spiel aller Zeiten" "bestes Trink Spiel, das ich je gespielt habe ...... urkomisch" Gameplay: Jeder Runde, eine Person liest die Frage Karte laut zu jedem spielen. Alle Spieler stimmen dann, welcher Spieler am besten durch die Frage beschrieben. Das Ziel jeder Runde ist Ihre Stimmabgabe für Sie die Frage Kartenleser denken stimmen für, und nicht unbedingt, wer Sie persönlich würde wählen. Sie erhalten 1 Punkt jedes Mal, wenn korrekt sind und es gibt auch ein tolles Double Down-Karte, wenn Sie Ihre Stimme wirklich sicher sind! die erste bis 7 Punkte hat, gewinnt! Spielinhalt: 250 Fragekarten 10 Spieler Ausweise (für bis zu 10 Spieler) 100 Stimmkarten 10 Verdoppeln Karten 1 Anleitungsblatt 1 Scoring-Pad 1 Bleistift 3 epische Spielvarianten
BAD PEOPLE - The Party Game You Probably Shouldn't Play + The RED Expansion Pack [Toy]HILARIOUS PARTY GAME: Vote for your friends on outrageous and brutal questions. Find out what your friends really think of you and get to know your friends better! Share crazy and ridiculous stories after each round,EXAMPLE QUESTIONS: "If we were all hitchhikers, who would be the last person to get picked up?", "Who gets paid too much for what they do?", "Least likely to be a target for identity theft?" Plus so many next level questions that we can't even write in the description,EASY TO LEARN RULES: 390 Hilarious Cards, 10 Player Identity Cards (up to 10 people can play at once), 270 Question Cards, 100 Voting Cards, 10 Double Down Cards. Comes with the Bad People base game and RED Expansion Pack for the ultimate party game experience,PERFECT FOR PARTIES AND GAMES NIGHT: It's the most fun and savage card game ever! All players are involved at all times. Best board game to play with friends, games night, at a party, office party, dinner parties etc.,VOTING FOR YOUR FRIENDS IS HILARIOUS AND YOU CAN PLAY BAD PEOPLE 1000's OF TIMES: The gameplay changes each time based on who you are playing with. Ages: 17+, Time: 20-60 Minutes, Players: 3-10
Hilarious and brutal party game for finding out what your friends really think about you! Playing Bad People may cause laughter, tears and irreparable damage to friendships and egos.
Example Questions:
If we were all hitchhikers, who would be the last person to get picked up?
Most likely to join a cult?
Whose funeral will have the smallest attendance? many more savage questions
What Players Are Saying:
"More brutal than Cards Against Humanity"
"Best adult party game ever"
"Best drinking game I've ever played......hilarious"
Each round, one person reads the question card out loud to everyone playing. All players then vote for which player is best described by the question.
The object of each round is to cast your vote for you think the question card reader will vote for, and not necessarily who you would personally choose.
You get 1 point each time you're correct and there's also an awesome double down card if you're really confident about your vote! The first to 7 points wins!
Game Contents:
250 Question Cards
10 Player Identity Cards (for up to 10 players)
100 Voting Cards
10 Double Down Cards
1 Instruction Sheet
1 Scoring Pad
1 Pencil
3 Epic Game Variants
BAD PEOPLE - The Party Game You Probably Shouldn't Play + The RED Expansion Pack [Toy]
HILARIOUS PARTY GAME: Vote for your friends on outrageous and brutal questions. Find out what your friends really think of you and get to know your friends better! Share crazy and ridiculous stories after each round,EXAMPLE QUESTIONS: "Whose funeral will have the smallest attendance?", "If we were all hitchhikers, who would be the last person to get picked up?", "Who has done the most 'walks of shame'?", "Least likely to be a target for identity theft?" Plus so many next level naughty questions that we can't even write in the description,EASY TO LEARN RULES: 390 Hilarious Cards, 10 Player Identity Cards (up to 10 people can play at once), 270 Question Cards, 100 Voting Cards, 10 Double Down Cards. Great for groups and an epic BONUS optional adult drinking games variant included. Comes with the Bad People base game and RED Expansion Pack for the ultimate party game experience,PERFECT FOR PARTIES AND GAMES NIGHT: It's the most fun and savage card game ever! All players are involved at all times. Best board game to play with friends, adult games night, at a party, playing drinking games, bachelorette party, bachelor party, office party, dinner parties etc.,VOTING FOR YOUR FRIENDS IS GUARANTEED LAUGHS AND YOU CAN PLAY BAD PEOPLE 1000's OF TIMES: The gameplay changes each time based on who you are playing with. Ages: 17+, Time: 20-60 Minutes, Players: 3-10
Hilarious and brutal adult party game for finding out what your friends really think about you!
Playing Bad People may cause laughter, tears and irreparable damage to friendships and egos.
Example Questions:
Most likely to secretly run a meth lab?
If we were all hitchhikers, who would be the last person to get picked up?
Most likely to join a cult?
Whose funeral will have the smallest attendance? many more savage questions
What Players Are Saying:
"More brutal than Cards Against Humanity"
"Best party game ever"
"Best drinking game I've ever played......hilarious"
Each round, one person reads the question card out loud to everyone playing. All players then vote for which player is best described by the question.
The object of each round is to cast your vote for you think the question card reader will vote for, and not necessarily who you would personally choose.
You get 1 point each time you're correct and there's also an awesome double down card if you're really confident about your vote! The first to 7 points wins!
Game Contents:
250 Question Cards
10 Player Identity Cards (for up to 10 players)
100 Voting Cards
10 Double Down Cards
1 Instruction Sheet
1 Scoring Pad
1 Pencil
3 Epic Game Variants
BAD PEOPLE - The Party Game You Probabilmente Shouldn't Play + The NSFW Brutal Expansion Pack [Giocattolo]
Trova ciò che i tuoi amici pensano davvero di te: le persone cattive sono un gioco di voto esilarante e brutale. Condividi storie folle e ridicole dopo ogni turno,370 carte di identità: 10 carte di identità per giocatori (fino a 10 persone possono giocare contemporaneamente), 250 schede interrogative, 100 schede votanti, 10 schede doppie.,Perfetto per le feste: è il gioco più selvaggio di sempre.,È possibile giocare a persone miste 1000 volte: il gioco cambia ogni volta in base a chi stai giocando.,Include: Bad People e il NSFW Brutal Expansion Pack per la migliore esperienza di gioco. Risparmia quando si acquista il set.
party game per adulti divertente e brutale per scoprire che cosa pensano i tuoi amici davvero su di te! giocano i cattivi possono provocare risate, lacrime e danni irreparabili al amicizie e ego. Esempi di domande: più probabilità di eseguire segretamente un laboratorio di metanfetamine? se fossimo tutti autostoppisti, che sarebbe stata l'ultima persona a ottenere raccolti? più probabilità di partecipare a una setta? i cui funerali avranno la più piccola presenza? più ..... così tante domande più selvaggio quello che i giocatori stanno dicendo: "più brutale di carte contro l'umanità" "miglior gioco di partito mai" "miglior gioco a bere io abbia mai giocato ...... esilarante" gameplay: ogni tondo, una persona legge la scheda di domanda ad alta voce a tutti giocare. Tutti i giocatori poi votare per il quale il giocatore è meglio descritta dalla domanda. Lo scopo di ogni turno è quello di lanciare il vostro voto per pensate che il lettore di schede domanda voterà per, e non necessariamente chi si sarebbe personalmente scegliere. Si ottiene 1 punto ogni volta che siete sulla strada giusta e c'è anche un fantastico doppio carta coperta se siete veramente sicuri circa il tuo voto! il primo a 7 punti vince! Contenuti di gioco: 250 carte di domanda 10 carte giocatore d'identità (per un massimo di 10 giocatori) 100 schede di voto 10 doppie carte coperte foglio 1 istruzioni pad 1 gol 1 matita 3 varianti di gioco epiche
BAD PEOPLE The Party Game You Probably Shouldn't Play + The NSFW Brutal Expansion Pack [Toy]
HILARIOUS ADULT PARTY GAME: Vote for your friends on outrageous and brutal questions. Find out what your friends really think of you and get to know your friends better! Share crazy and ridiculous stories after each round,EXAMPLE QUESTIONS: "Whose funeral will have the smallest attendance?", "If we were all hitchhikers, who would be the last person to get picked up?", "Who has done the most 'walks of shame'?", "Least likely to be a target for identity theft?" Plus so many next level questions that we can't even write in the description,EASY TO LEARN RULES: 370 Hilarious Cards, 10 Player Identity Cards (up to 10 people can play at once), 250 Question Cards, 100 Voting Cards, 10 Double Down Cards. Great for groups and an epic BONUS optional adult drinking games variant included. Comes with the Bad People base game and the NSFW Brutal Expansion Pack for the ultimate party game experience,PERFECT FOR PARTIES AND ADULT GAMES NIGHT: It's the most fun and savage card game ever! All players are involved at all times. Best board game to play with friends, adult games night, at a party, playing drinking games, hen parties, bucks parties, office parties, dinner parties etc.,VOTING FOR YOUR FRIENDS IS HILARIOUS AND YOU CAN PLAY BAD PEOPLE 1000's OF TIMES: The gameplay changes each time based on who you are playing with. Ages: 17+, Time: 20-60 Minutes, Players: 3-10
Hilarious and brutal adult party game for finding out what your friends really think about you!
Playing Bad People may cause laughter, tears and irreparable damage to friendships and egos.
Example Questions:
Most likely to secretly run a meth lab?
If we were all hitchhikers, who would be the last person to get picked up?
Most likely to join a cult?
Whose funeral will have the smallest attendance? many more savage questions
What Players Are Saying:
"More brutal than Cards Against Humanity"
"Best party game ever"
"Best drinking game I've ever played......hilarious"
Each round, one person reads the question card out loud to everyone playing. All players then vote for which player is best described by the question.
The object of each round is to cast your vote for you think the question card reader will vote for, and not necessarily who you would personally choose.
You get 1 point each time you're correct and there's also an awesome double down card if you're really confident about your vote! The first to 7 points wins!
Game Contents:
250 Question Cards
10 Player Identity Cards (for up to 10 players)
100 Voting Cards
10 Double Down Cards
1 Instruction Sheet
1 Scoring Pad
1 Pencil
3 Epic Game Variants