Orchard Toys Dotty Dinosaurs - Juego educativo sobre formas y colores (importado de Reino Unido) [Juguete]Estos dinosaurios coloridos amable hacen de formas y colores de aprendizaje divertido,Can you help them find their spots,Incluye 4 tableros de dinosaurios, 24 formas, 24 puntos de color , 1 forma de dados , 1 dado de colores, 1 agitador de dados y las instrucciones,Mejora la destreza manual y alienta a las habilidades sociales y de observación,Hecho en el Reino Unido - Todos los tableros de juego y embalajes están hechos de 100% de productos reciclados y reciclables
Children will have great fun learning all about shapes and colours with these friendly, coloured dinosaurs. This is actually two games in one; children can play the shapes game or the colour game. In the shapes game, players choose a dinosaur board and place it in front of them with the shapes side uppermost. All the shape pieces are spread out on the table, and the player rolls the shape die. If they can find a shape piece that matches the one on the die and is also the same colour as their dinosaur, they place it on their dinosaur board and play passes to the next player. If they already have that shape, they cannot play and the next player takes their turn. The winner is the first player to cover all the spaces on their board. The colour game is played in a similar way, using the reverse of the boards, and a colour-spot die to match the coloured spots on the dinosaurs. This is a very simple, colourful game, made of sturdy, wipe-clean board, and the educational guide on the box shows how it can contribute to your child's education. A great game for 3 to 6 year olds, which can be played by 2 to 4 players.
Orchard Toys Dotty Dinosaurs [Toy]2 games in 1,Learn about shapes and colours,Suitable for ages 3 - 6,Game for 2 - 4 players,Award winning, best-selling game
Match shapes and coloursCan you help the dotty dinosaurs to find their missing spots? Throw the dice to match shapes or colours and be the first to cover your dinosaur board in this fun game for young players. Two games in one.2-4 Players. Age 3-6 Years
Orchard Toys - Gioco educativo "Dotty Dinosaurs", 3-6 anni [lingua inglese] [Giocattolo]Contiene: 4 cartelle dinosauro, 24 sagome, 24 tondini colorati, 1 dado con le sagome,1 dado colorato, 1 bicchiere per il dado.IL GIOCO DELLE SAGOME Obiettivo: Essere il primo a riempire la propria cartella con le sagome giuste.Come si gioca• Ogni giocatore sceglie una cartella dinosauro e la colloca davanti a sé con il lato delle sagome rivolto verso l'alto.• I pezzi con le sagome (con il dorso blu) vengono sparsi a faccia in su sul tavolo. I tondini colorati (con il dorso bianco) e il dado colorato non vanno invece usati.• Il giocatore più giovane lancia il dado con le sagome e cerca una sagoma uguale a quella indicata dal dado e dello stesso colore del suo dinosauro. Quando la trova, la sistema sullo spazio corrispondente e il turno passa al giocatore successivo.• Se il dado indica una sagoma che il giocatore ha già raccolto, il turno passa alla persona successiva.• Il gioco continua fino a che un giocatore ha riempito tutti gli spazi sulla propria cartella.Il vincitoreVince il primo giocatore che riempie tutti gli spazi sulla propria cartella con le sagome corrispondenti.IL GIOCO DEI COLORIE Obiettivo: Essere il primo a riempire la propria cartella con i tondini colorati giusti.Come si gioca• Ogni giocatore sceglie una cartella dinosauro e la colloca davanti a sé con il lato dei tondini verso l'alto.• I tondini colorati (con il dorso bianco) vengono sparsi a faccia in su sul tavolo. I pezzi con le sagome (con il dorso blu) e il dado con le sagome non vanno invece usati.• Il giocatore più giovane lancia il dado colorato e cerca un tondino dello stesso colore di quello indicato dal dado. Quando lo trova, lo sistema sul proprio dinosauro nello spazio corrispondente e il turno passa al giocatore successivo.• Se il dado indica un colore che il giocatore ha già raccolto, il turno passa alla persona successiva.• Il gioco continua fino a che un giocatore ha riempito tu
Orchard Toys - Jeu de "Dotty" Dinosaures - Langue: anglais [Toy]Descriptif produit: 2 jeux en 1. Apprends les formes et les couleurs. Pour les enfants âgés de 3 à 6 ans. De 2 à 4 joueurs. Un best-seller en Angleterre. Les enfants s'amuseront à tout apprendre sur les formes et les couleurs avec ces dinosaures amicaux et colorés. Ce jeu est en fait deux jeux : soit celui des formes, soit celui des couleurs. Pour les enfants âgés de 3 à 6 ans. De 2 à 4 joueurs.
Pouvez-vous aider les dinosaures à trouver leurs points manquants? Roulez le dé pour regrouper les formes ou les couleurs et soyez le premier à couvrir votre dinosaure de points. 2 jeux en 1. 2 - 4 joueurs (version anglaise)
Orchard Toys Duselige Dinosaurier Spiel "Dotty Dinosaurs" [Toy]3-6 Jahre,2-4 Spieler,Anleitungen in deutscher Sprache liegen bei
Objective: The first to fill your Spiler Speilbrett with the appropriate forms.
Orchard Dotty Dinosaurs Colour Matching Game [Toy]Bright colours and visual appeal make Dotty Dinosaurs the perfect first matching game; suitable for age 3 to 6; can be played by 2 to 4 players,Roll the dice, choose a colored shape and help the dinosaurs find their spots; includes game boards, shaker cup, dice, game pieces and instructions,Game box and cards are made from durable 100-Percent recycled board for years of enjoyment; game cards have a wipe-clean finish,All Orchard games are designed to promote observation and logic; they're tested in schools and at home to ensure that they offer great play value,Orchard Toys are distributed by Pierre Belvedere, whose presentation of educational toys is designed to promote imaginative play
Can you help the dotty dinosaurs to find their missing spots? Throw the dice to match the shapes or colours and be the first to cover your dinosaur board in this fun game for young players. Two games in one. 2-4 players 3 - 6 years +
Dotty Dinosaurs Game [Toy]Can you help the dinosaurs find their missing spots?,match shapes or colors by throwing the dice,Be the first to cover your dinosaur board.,These friendly colorful dinosaurs make learning shapes and colors fun,Can you help them find their spots,Includes 4 dinosaur boards, 24 shapes, 24 color dots, 1 shape dice, 1 color dice, 1 dice shaker and instructions,Improves manual dexterity and encourages social and observational skills,Made in the United Kingdom - All game boards and packaging are made from 100% recycled and recyclable products
Can you help the dinosaurs find their missing spots? Throw the dice to match shapes or colors and be the first to cover your dinosaur board. 2 games in 1.